Friday, March 4, 2011

Less People

School districts in Texas might have a little more credibility if they employed spokesmen who knew basic grammar. When speaking of the district's $10,000 offer to teachers who volunteer to quit, Dallas ISD spokesman Jon Dahlander said last week, "The goal is to help us lay off less people."

OK, Mr. Dahlander, here's the rule. If you are speaking of individual units, it's fewer. If you are speaking of an aggregate, it's less. There may be fewer grains of sand, but there is less sand on the beach. There may be fewer stars visible, but there is less starlight. There may be fewer people on the payroll, but there is less expense in the payroll line item. I do hope DISD retains the English teachers!

"District may pay teachers to quit." The Dallas Morning News; February 23, 2011; p. 1A.

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