Thursday, September 20, 2012

Somebody has to pay for it.

Veronica de Lafuente was a delegate to the Democratic Convention. She loves Obamacare because it has raided Medicare and sent the money to Medicaid. She says she secured world-class care for her dad when he was diagnosed with cancer. She's very proud of herself, because she did this without taking a hit to her parents' retirement nest egg by enrolling them in a state program that allows seniors to buy into Medicaid. 

What Veronica and others don't seem to understand is that in avoiding a hit to their own retirement nest eggs, they're sending the hit to mine. Somebody has to pay for Medicaid. If her father was able to pay for his own care, why is it that, in addition to my own medical expenses, I must foot the bill for his?

"Health law believer, defender." The Dallas Morning News; September 7, 2012; p. 15A.

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