Monday, September 24, 2012

What is a pedophile?

Steve Blow and I disagree on the definition of a pedophile. I say that a man who is 32 years old and having an affair with a 13 year old is a pedophile. When that man runs off with the child when she is 15, I say he's a pedophile. 

That's what Chuck Adair, a youth minister did. Bethany Brooks, who was in his youth group said, "We pretty much all idolized him.” 
But, she said that sometimes Adair made her and others uncomfortable when he had girls sit on his lap or gave hugs “that were not just friendly youth minister hugs.” One of the other girls in the group said that Adair had names for her breasts: “Bip” and “Bop.” As a teenager, she thought it was funny. As a middle-aged mother, she finds it disturbing. I, too, find it disturbing. 

Yes, I say that Chuck Adair is a pedophile. But Steve Blow says, ". . .not to minimize his transgression, but Adair was never a pedophile." Yeah, right, Steve. And neither is Jerry Sandusky. I have to wonder if you would change your mind if he named your daughter's breasts or ran away with your teenager.

"How welcoming should a church be." The Dallas Morning News; August 5, 2012; p. 1B.

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