Monday, February 24, 2014

Enjoy the picnic!

Remember Andrea Yates who drowned her five little children in the bathtub? I think the woman really was bonkers from living with a control-freak husband, and she took the only way out she could come up with. But that doesn't mitigate the horrendous thing she did.

Her doctors want to allow her to go on outings with other people in the mental institution where she now resides. They say that she could benefit from going on a picnic. Do they really think that going on a picnic will make her forget those five little lives she took? If I were the judge in the case, I think I'd have to say, "When her little children go on their next picnic, I'll let her go, too."

"Doctors seek outings for Yates." The Dallas Morning News; February 17, 2014; p. 3A.

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