Saturday, January 26, 2008

What this blog is about

My pet peeve is inaccuracies in journalism -- grammatical errors, misuse of words, erroneous reporting, sensationalism. So I decided to start this blog to highlight some of the errors. I hope others will contribute to the discussion with errors they find. I don't claim to be an expert on the english language, and I am not a journalist, so don't be surprised if you see mistakes in some of my posts. But those who claim to be professionals should do a better job than I do. Our local newspaper is rife with inaccuracies, so most of my examples will probably come from there. You'll probably also frequently see my opinions on stories in the news, both from the print media and radio and television. That being said, let's start it off with this from yesterday's edition of my hometown newspaper.

Reporting on a local young man who has landed a role in a popular musical, the reporter tells us that he is "a former North Lamar High School graduate." My question is, "Did they revoke his diploma for some reason?" If not, then he may be a former student of North Lamar High School, but he is still a graduate.

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