Saturday, April 19, 2008

Pretty please, may I?

One of the poor, deceived women from the El Dorado polygamist compound testified in court yesterday as to the utopian type existence the community enjoys. However, her testimony did more to shore up the view that these people are enslaved than that they are right-thinking, willing participants.

She said she was permitted to drive to Lubbock regularly to visit her adult daughter who was on dialysis. She was permitted to go? I can assure you, if I had a sick child, I would require no one's permission to "visit her regularly."

This same lady says that she was allowed to divorce an abusive husband. She was allowed to divorce him? I can assure you, if I had an abusive husband, no one would have to allow me to kick the bum out.

This woman is so brainwashed that she doesn't even realize how incongruous her statements are. And there are hundreds more just like her. The "husbands" and "elders" perpetrating this enslavement should be hanged!

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