Monday, September 7, 2009


The devil is perpetuating a lie. Lately, I have had some theological discussions with people who say we are all God's children, that Jesus was tolerant of all, and that there are several roads to heaven. That sounds good, but it's just not true. How do I know? The Bible directly refutes all those viewpoints.

Jesus Himself called the Pharisees "children of the devil." We are all God's creation, but only those who have accepted Christ's sacrifice are God's children. Jesus was not very tolerant -- look up what He did to the moneychangers in the temple. Look at what He called those trying to trip Him up -- whited sepulchres full of dead men's bones. That doesn't sound very tolerant to me. He was not tolerant of sin. That's why we need His forgiveness. That's why He told the woman taken in adultery to "sin no more." And finally, the easiest to refute is the many roads to heaven one -- Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me." Again, He said, "He that believeth in me is not condemned, but He that believeth not is condemned already."

Then, I get the accusation that I am arrogant. I beg to differ. I didn't write the Bible -- God did, but I base everything I believe on what He said. The truly arrogant are those who think their way is better than God's way. They have believed the devil's lie, and that is very sad.

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