Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Somebody has to take care of me!

The Democrats have conditioned society to think that government has to take care of them. Governor Perry is being criticized by Texans Care for Children. "Children are disproportionately harmed during economic downturns like the one we're experiencing now," said the group's executive director, Eileen Garcia-Matthews. She doesn't elaborate on that, but I don't see a basis for it. They say Governor Perry, in using his veto on some expensive programs, doesn't care about the poor.

One of the things this group advocates is extending the re-application process for medicaid to one year instead of every six months. Personally, I think it should be every quarter. Those of us who have morals and work are paying for the children of those who are promiscuous and lazy. They have nothing else to do -- maybe if they're in the welfare office filling out papers they won't be making more babies.

"Advocacy group for poor children slams recent Perry vetoes." The Dallas Morning News; August 26, 2009; p. 3A.

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