Tuesday, April 13, 2010

How about a cup of fresh grounded coffee?

Someone please tell Stephanie Norman of The Paris News that footballs are grounded and disobedient children are grounded but coffee is ground. She wrote a feature article about a new coffee place in Paris -- That Guy's Coffee. He specializes in roasting his own coffee beans. Stephanie says he doesn't drink "pre-grounded" coffee, because his "fresh-grounded" coffee tastes better. Sounds to me like he puts dirt in it. She says he "tried to try different kinds . . ." Wonder if he actually tried them, or he failed in the attempt? She included a photo in the article of the coffee guy captioned with, "Gerald Hutchings adjusts the controls on the roaster to perfect the coffee beans ran through the machine." Run, ran, run, Stephanie! He didn't ran the beans through the machine. They were run through the machine. The coffee guy also has a coffee club. Stephanie says you can be "apart" of it. I guess that's as opposed to joining it and becoming a part of it. Summing up, Stephanie says the coffee guy is sure people will enjoy a fresh "grounded" cup of coffee. Hold the dirt on mine, if you don't mind.

P.S. Stephanie does an interview with Joan Mathis in the same issue of the magazine. She asked Mrs. Mathis about her student years at PJC. Mrs. Mathis cited several of the most dedicated teachers there, including Miss Cristene Goolsby. Somehow, unless there's a teacher I don't know about, Stephanie transformed Miss Cristene Goolsby into Mrs. Christine Goolshy. Hey, Stephanie, ask how to spell it!!

P.P.S. Stephanie includes some recipes in this issue of Paris Lifestyles. I ordinarily love recipes in magazines and newspapers. I always want to try them out. But putting in a recipe for a root beer float? Who doesn't know how to make a root beer float? I thought maybe this one had a special ingredient or something, but no, it's just a couple of scoops of ice cream with some root beer. What will they think of next!!

"That Guy's Coffee." Paris Lifestyles; February 2010; p. 5.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was Stephanie "mainstreamed" in school? (I know that isn't PC anymore...I don't know what they find as the current acceptable terminology!) Good grief, who told Stephanie she would make a good journalist???