Saturday, April 3, 2010

We don't have enough poor people.

The government doesn't feel it's taking enough of your money to give to someone else, so they've decided they have to do something about that. The figures for those living in poverty are about to increase. Notice that I said the figures are about to increase, not the actual number of people living in poverty.

See, we don't have enough people in poverty to justify them taking more money, so we'll just redefine poverty. With the redefinition, the number of older people living in poverty will double. Understand that these people have had no change in their circumstances. They're doing OK now, but when the definition is implemented, they immediately become poverty-stricken. Obama can also use this to say, "See, I told you we needed health care reform. Look at all these poor people out here." In fact, in the article, it said that the overall poverty rate would increase from 13.2 percent to 15.8 percent "mostly because of rising expenses from medical care." They actually put that in there when they've just told us that the figures will rise because they're redefining poverty. Sheesh!

"Poverty figures to increase under new formula." The Dallas Morning News; March 3, 2010; p. 6A.

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