Thursday, April 1, 2010

No, we don't celebrate the "new" America!

Leonard Pitts says the Tea Party movement isn't motivated simply by racism. It's motivated by "race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, 'culture' and the fact that those who have always been on the right side, the 'power-wielding' side, of one or more of those equations, now face the realization that their days of dominance are numbered . . . We are witness to the birth cries of a new America, and for every one of us who embraces and celebrates that . . . there is another who grapples with a crippling sense of dislocation and loss, who wonders who and what she will be in the nation now being born. . . the change they fear will not be turned back."

Aren't those frightening statements? Our "new" nation is anti-religion and pro-homosexual, and those of us who still honor God can, according to Pitts, do nothing to turn it back to the time when the majority of Americans still had some sense of morality. He may be right -- maybe we can't do anything, but I don't think he's met my God!

"Race's role in the Tea Party." The Dallas Morning News; March 4, 2010; p. 17A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMEN Essie!!!