Monday, January 31, 2011

I'm still waiting, Michelle.

The Dallas Morning News lauds Wal-Mart and Michelle Obama in an editorial. Michelle announced for Wal-Mart that they were going to make packaged foods in their stores lower in salt, fat, and sugar and reduce prices on fruits and vegetables. The giant retailer also promised to build more stores in poor areas -- "food deserts" they call them.

"This is the free market at work" gushes the newspaper. But is it really? I suspect that Wal-Mart is getting some sort of quid pro quo. Why else would they rid their shelves of tasty food that sells for not-so-tasty food that doesn't? That doesn't make sense in the retail business.

And until Michelle acts on my suggestion, she's not at all serious about nutrition. Remember what my suggestion was? I'm still waiting for her to push it in Congress. It's very simple. Restrict food stamp dollars to heart-healthy, nutritious foods. No cookies, pies, cake mixes, sodas, chips, candy, or high fat meats. But she won't do that. Because that would truly be the free market at work. And because it's the people who are using the food stamps who voted her husband into office.

"Nutritional Game Changer." The Dallas Morning News; January 24, 2011; p. 14A.

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