Thursday, April 21, 2011

I fear for the next generation.

Students in California are protesting cuts in funding to state colleges. They staged sit-ins at empty offices last week. That was really smart, don't you think? At any rate, some of their signs read "Education is a right," and "No more greed."

No, my dears, education is not a right. It is a privilege. As for the "no more greed," the students are the ones who are being greedy. They want what they have not worked for.

Cecillee Espanol is a 22-year-old psychology major. She said she's going to have to get a job next year to cover the cost of her classes. Well, bless her little pea-pickin' heart! Mr. Essie May and I worked two jobs and occasionally three at a time to pay for our educations. Where did Cecillee get the idea that her education should be free? She says she's "mad at the government for funding more for prison and war than for education." Perhaps she should take a course in history and study the Constitution. Wars and prisons are legitimate government expenses. Paying her way through college is not.

"Students fight California cuts." The Dallas Morning News; April 14, 2011; p. 9A.

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