Monday, April 4, 2011

Rights or Giveaways?

Carl Crain of Richardson is upset with the government attempts to reduce spending. He says the "GOP is reducing our rights through the vast budget cuts they are proposing. . ." I, for one, would like to know what "right" the GOP is reducing by cutting the budget. I can't think of a one. Surely Mr. Crain understands that handouts from the taxpayer via the government are not rights. Surely Mr. Crain understands that a quality education does not have to cost the billions we are spending. No, the only "right" involved here is the one being restored -- the right of the wage-earner to keep that for which he has labored.

"Time's ripe for a recall." The Dallas Morning News; March 29, 2011; p. 10A.


Anonymous said...

AMEN Essie!

Anonymous said...

I agree with cutting the Budget. Go anyone who proposes cutting anything that saves my taxes!