Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's gone beyond toleration.

Remember the gay lib mantra: "Tolerance"? How's this for tolerance . . .

David Aldridge of Los Angeles had a kidney transplant in 2006. He now needs another. "I feel sorry for him," you might say. But let me tell you the rest of the story. Aldridge is HIV positive. Until recently, those with HIV and/or AIDS didn't qualify for transplants because of their poor prognosis. Now they can get multiple transplants while those who need transplants through no fault of their own must wait due to a shortage of available organs.

Now here's even more to the story. To address this shortage, they are now trying to change the law so that organs from HIV positive donors may be used. "That's great for those who already have HIV," you say. And I can agree with that. But that law change will also make it legal for patients who don't have HIV to receive those compromised organs.

And I can just see it now . . . if you need a kidney or a liver, it will be at least discrimination and at worst a hate crime for you to ask if the donor was HIV positive. Just how tolerant do you think we should be then?

"Organ donor change sought." The Dallas Morning News; April 13, 2011; p. 14A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is just no hope left. We are doomed...stupidity has completely taken over!