Friday, January 13, 2012

DIY Immigration

I've heard it all now. Federal authorities want to open an unmanned port of entry from Mexico as a "security upgrade." Only someone in the federal government could put such a spin on, "Let's let Mexicans freely come and go at Big Bend National Park without even a customs agent there to monitor the comings and goings."

Actually, it's going to be an honor system type thing. They'll have a kiosk there for Mexicans to scan their documents. The customs officer will be 100 miles away. It doesn't say what they plan to do about all the Mexicans who will just bypass the kiosk.

Customs and Border Protection spokesman William Brooks said, "I think it's actually going to end up making security better." According to the newspaper, this upgraded security will cost the taxpayer $2.3 million dollars. I'm no builder, but I think I could build them a kiosk for far less than that. The newspaper also says that this program has support from the "highest levels of government." Do you know what that tells me? It tells me this November, we need to change our "highest levels of government"! Vote Nobama!

"Nations may ease Big Bend crossings." The Dallas Morning News; December 12, 2011; p. 3A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMEN! Good grief, thier idiocracy ideas never cease to amaze!