Saturday, January 14, 2012

Why would one want unqualified judges?

The American Bar Association has given the "unqualified" rating to a significant number of Obama's potential picks for federal judgeships. In fact, the number deemed not qualified under the Obama administration exceeds the number receiving a similar designation under eight years of George Bush or eight years of Bill Clinton. The rejection rate is more than 3 1/2 times higher than under those presidencies.

So why would a President consider such a high number of people who are unqualified? I can think of a few plausible reasons. 1) He's too ignorant to realize they are unqualified. 2) He's returning a favor. 3) He hopes to gain a favor. 4) They may know nothing about the law, but they agree with him politically.  6) They are personal friends. 5) Judgeships for sale.

Other than those, I can't think of anything. Can you?

"Report: 14 of Obama's potential judge picks rated unqualified." The Dallas Morning News; November 23, 2011; p. 6A.

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