Monday, June 25, 2012

Why do they keep saying that?

Liberals continue to be all in a tizzy because the Catholic church is challenging Obama's mandate that they violate their religious beliefs by providing birth control to their employees. They keep saying that the Catholic church is denying women access to birth control.

For example, Jim Barber of Dallas says, "The women who are denied birth control are the ones losing a right, not the church."

I don't understand why the media doesn't call them out on that, because nothing could be further from the truth. The Catholic church has issued no mandate that its employees cannot use birth control. It's merely said that it will not pay for it.

What's next? What if bureaucrats decide that drinking a glass of wine every night is good for you, so your employer must cover the cost of wine in its health care provisions? Will Baptists have to comply? What if they decide swimming is good exercise and will help curb obesity? Will employers have to provide each employee a swimming pool in his backyard?

Mr. Barber is in complete error. The women have been denied no rights whatsoever. The church has been denied its First Amendment rights. So why does the media keep printing letters like Jim's and nodding their heads in agreement?

"Women are losers in this fight." The Dallas Morning News; June 7, 2012; p. 14A.

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