Sunday, July 1, 2012

When did Satidayish become Sundyish?

Sitting in church on Sunday morning with Mr. Essie May a couple of weeks ago, I couldn't help noticing the 20-something girl a couple of pews in front of us. She had on a faded red t-shirt and cut-off blue jean shorts. The shorts were extremely short. On top of that, they were the low-rider kind. I'll bet total length was not more than 8 inches. 

Don't get me wrong. If this was the best the girl had, then she should certainly have not let it stand in the way of her coming to church. But I can assure you that this girl had something better in her closet. In fact, I'll just bet she was dressed in something better than that when she ran errands or worked in the yard or whatever she did on Saturday.

To top that off, our youth minister went to the pulpit to give the announcements. He was wearing faded blue jeans and an old polo type shirt that came down to his knees. He looked kind of like Mr. Essie May does when he's spent all Saturday morning working in the yard.

So when I saw this Snuffy Smith cartoon, it really got me to thinking. When did it become OK to go to church looking like a bum? When did Satidayish become Sundyish?

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