Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I'm going to start using a new acronym for my headings -- JWYTYHIA. It stands for "just when you think you've heard it all." It will join my standard WIST.

For my first JWYTHIA post I choose to comment on an editorial by James Barnhart. He says he noticed that his Mexican friends drive very carefully. They obey the speed laws, are very watchful, stay well to the right of the center stripe, and are good defensive drivers. Then James had a revelation -- they obey the law because they don't want to be stopped. And that, James contends, is discriminatory. 

Imagine that! The police will actually stop a Mexican if he's speeding or driving on the wrong side of the road. What is wrong with our law enforcement????? Yes, James, JWYTYHIA!

"Giving slowpokes a break." The Dallas Morning News; July 21, 2012; p. 17A.

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