Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What am I missing, Jacquielynn?

Jacquielynn Floyd wrote a column about James Holmes, the nutcase who shot all those people in Colorado, carefully avoiding mentioning his name in the whole column. That was the point of the column -- we don't want to give this guy any more publicity.

Like it or not, whether we mention his name or not, the man made news. It is unrealistic to say that we will not mention his name. We can do so without glorifying what he did or making him a celebrity. 

But I digress. My point is this -- Jacquielynn successfully avoided his name, but her column is accompanied by a color photo of the nut, red hair and all, on the front page of the section. Less publicity by printing his name or printing his picture?

Dallas Morning News funny for the day: The News praises the Mesquite Pee Wee Football Association for not "waving" the 135-pound weight limit so that a 6-foot-plus, 300 pound 12-year-old could play. Looks to me like the News has "waived" bye-bye to its proofreaders.

"Don't give thrill of naming gunman." The Dallas Morning News; July 24, 2012; p. 1B.

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