Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Robert Butsch: A Ray of Sunshine
Robert Butsch of Duncanville is just a regular ray of sunshine! He says there's no need to try to stay healthy. According to Bob, "excessive healthy behavior" will cost you more in the end, because if you live longer, you'll get Alzheimers and the cost of that will be more than if you just go ahead and clog your arteries and omit the colonoscopy and die young. Gosh! You can save on your grocery and utility bills that way, too! What a brilliant plan!
By the way, I've known personally at least four women who lived past 100 years of age. One of them never had any form of dementia and the others didn't exhibit signs until well into their 90's. So much for Bob's thriftiness!
"Health leads to Alzheimer's?" The Dallas Morning News; April 11, 2013; p. 16A.

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