Saturday, April 13, 2013

Where is the outrage?
I'm sure you all have heard the news about the nutcase who stabbed 14 people with a box cutter at the community college in Houston. However, you had to go to page two to read it. Do you think it would have made page one if he had used a gun?
I have a few other observations:
Where are all the liberals calling for background checks and controls on box cutters to stop box cutter violence?

Where are the calls for bans on double edge razor blades?
If students and faculty had been allowed to carry guns on campus, do you think someone might have been able to stop this maniac before he injured all those people?

Did I miss the commiseration speech from Obama with grieving family members serving as his backdrop?
"At least 14 hurt in stabbing attack." The Dallas Morning News; April 10, 2013; p. 3a.

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