Friday, April 19, 2013

The New Convenience News
The Dallas Morning News recently spent about a month hyping its new design featuring "more news from the suburbs." It's turned out to be something like the new convenience packages at the grocery store. You know -- three pints of ice cream for the price of four, 14 ounces of vegetables for the price of 16, a 4-pack of Jello pudding cups for the price of a 6-pack . . .
As I was reading the Sunday edition from the first week of the new for-your-convenience journalism, I saw a couple of headlines and thought to myself, "Oh, an update on a story I read this past week." But after perusing a couple of the items, I didn't learn anything I hadn't already read. Then I noticed that the headlines were preceded by "Recap." Oh, so now I get it. If you don't want to write up any new articles, you just rerun articles from the previous week. I counted at least six such articles in that edition.
News repackaged for your convenience.

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