Tuesday, July 30, 2013

You can't vs. you must.

William Ogden argues that the Catholic church shouldn't be allowed an exemption from Obamacare mandates that it provide free contraceptives to its employees. He says that ecclesiastical law must take a back seat to civil law. He says that if the Catholic church is allowed an exemption, then the FLDS should be allowed to mistreat minor girls.

He misses the point. It is a valid role of government to protect children from harm. It is not a valid role of government to make an organization pay for something they deem immoral.

It's a matter of "you can't do" (molest/rape children) vs. "you must do" (provide something that violates your religious principles). If Mr. Ogden can't see the differences here, then he is either stupid or willfully blinded by his liberal bias.

"Church can't trump civil law." The Dallas Morning News; June 17, 2012; p. 2P.

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