Friday, October 4, 2013

But who loses?

The Dallas Independent School District just announced that all students will receive free lunches and free breakfasts. That's 159,000 kids to feed every day.

"It's a wonderful benefit," said Dora Rivas, DISD's executive director of food and child nutrition services. "I think the biggest winners in this are going to be students." But guess who loses? All the taxpayers -- and not just the DISD ones. All of us paying federal taxes are footing the bill for this big giveaway.

I don't know, but it sort of galls me to be paying for meals for kids whose parents can afford to feed their own kids. It also galls me to pay for meals for kids whose parents are already drawing food stamps to feed them. Feels like double-dipping.

Rivas says she hopes the new program eliminates the stigma students feel when they eat for free or cheaper than others. Maybe a good dose of stigma is what they need to keep from falling into the entitlement attitudes their parents have.

"Now everyone will go through the line and students won't think he has money and I don't," Rivas exults. Really, Ms. Rivas? Do you think free lunch is the only difference there is in the kids on the dole and the kids paying their own way?

District officials say they now hope that students will have more money for snacks. Really? If they have money for snacks, don't you think they could pay for their own lunches?

District officials also are glad that this program will "relieve a burden on parents, who have applied each year for subsidized meals." Now they won't have to fill out that pesky paperwork. I am elated -- we must make it easy and convenient for them to stick their hands into other people's pockets!

"District announces switch to free meals for all students." The Dallas Morning News; Octobr 2, 2013; p. 1A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boy that chaps my butt!