Saturday, October 19, 2013

Do the math.

The airlines are squeezing in more seats and trying to make us think they're doing us a favor. They say we won't notice the difference. Maybe we won't since they already pack us in like sardines.

United is adding a row of six seats. They brag that the smaller seats cut the weight on the plane by 1,200 pounds, translating to about $10 million per year in fuel savings.

But wait -- if we're adding six passengers at an average 150 pounds each, and if we're adding luggage for those six passengers at 40 pounds per checked bag and maybe an average of 10 pounds per carry-on, doesn't that add back that 1,200 pounds? Does the fuel know whether the weight comes from the seats or from the passengers and cargo?

I think we've just been sold the new 1/2 gallon ice cream in the 3 pint convenience pack.

"More seats in coach, less space for you." The Dallas Morning News; October 16, 2013; p. 1A.

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