Thursday, October 24, 2013

Don't confuse the issue with the facts!

According to scientists, the heating of Earth's surface appears to have slowed in the past 15 years even though greenhouse gas emissions have kept rising. This is causing a big problem for scientists working for the U.N. on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 

They say that if they don't include this data, the global warming skeptics will point out that they didn't mention it. Well Duh! But if they do report it, it sort of undermines the report they plan to issue which will say that global warming is continuing and they're more certain than ever that it's linked to human activity.

I thought scientists were supposed to be objective. I thought they were supposed to report their research data in an unbiased manner. Looks like that applies only if you think global warming is a liberal political scam.

"Temperature data clouds report." The Dallas Morning News; September 30, 2013; p. 12A.

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