Wednesday, November 27, 2013

It's all in what you buy.

People are all upset about the decrease in food stamps that took effect this month. Truth be told, it was a temporary increase in the first place -- instituted as part of the stimulus. Instead of being grateful for the extra money they've received from the stimulus, the entitled folks are upset and crying foul because they're not getting as much of our money as they want.

The difference is an average of $36 less a month. The newspaper opines that that translates to a gallon of milk, a half-gallon of orange juice, and a pound of bread a week. From what I've seen in the carts of those with the EBT cards, it more likely translates to a large bag of Doritos and a 12-pack of Cokes a week.

"Less food for America's poor." The Dallas Morning News; November 2, 2013; p. 4A.

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