Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Awww - he's not so bad!

Obama's illegal alien uncle is being allowed to stay in the U.S. Judge Leonard Shapiro says that Onyango Obama is a hard worker and has been arrested only once. Of course, that arrest doesn't include the fact that he's been breaking U.S. immigration law for 50 years and has ignored the deportation order issued 20 years ago.

By the way, this is the uncle that Obama's people said he had never met. As it turns out, he actually lived with him for a short time. How can you tell when Obama (or Jay Carney) is lying? Are his lips moving?

One other note -- Onyango's arrest was for driving while intoxicated. When he kills someone, will Judge Shapiro still think he's an OK guy?

"Obama's uncle allowed to remain in U.S." The Dallas Morning News; December 4, 2013; p. 4A.

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