Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I'm unclear on the concept.

I guess I'm just an old fogey and unclear on the concept. According to the Associated Press, government figures show that the share of unmarried couples who decide to move in together because of a pregnancy surpasses the number who get married and legitimize their child.

Amanda Pulte, 22, had not co-habited with her boyfriend (at least as far as sharing a home), but when she became pregnant (OK, I guess there was some co-habitation going on), they moved in together. "I want to marry when I'm ready, not because I'm being forced into it," Amanda explained. "Whenever I see couples do that, things don't work out." Well, pardon me, Amanda, but nobody forced you to have sex. And if he did, you should have filed rape charges against him instead of moving in with the monster. And if you're not ready for marriage, then you're certainly not ready to have a child! And if you think things might not "work out" with this guy, then why on earth did you allow him to use you? If you're not committed enough to marry him, then you're not committed enough to be having sex with him! Get some morals, girl, and start being a good example for your child!

"Twilight for 'shotgun weddings.'" The Dallas Morning News; January 7, 2014; p. 4A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you're an old fogey, you are not alone! There are plenty of us that agree with you Essie.