Friday, May 2, 2014

He knows how many hairs are on your head.

Jon Caswell of Lake Highlands says, "I just can't believe that God gives a hoot what we do with our genitals. If he is the ruler of the universe, surely he's too busy to micromanage our sex lives." Jon goes on to say that he knows that there is a biblical prohibition against homosexuality; however, Christians that believe it are "self-righteous bigots." I think Jon is a little intolerant.

I think he's also quite ignorant. Jon obviously knows very little, if anything at all, about God. A sparrow doesn't fall without him knowing it, Jon. He knows how many hairs are on your head, Jon. And if He doesn't give a hoot about our sex lives, why does He mention the subject at all?

"Christians and gay rights." The Dallas Morning News; March 27, 2014; p. 13A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hit the nail on the head Essie!