Thursday, May 29, 2014

Somebody's paying.

Marvin Plunkett of Reedsport, Oregon, likes Obamacare. He says that he's disappointed that public opinion of the program remains so low. It's been great for him -- his family is now on Medicaid. And he says that Sarah Palin's charge that death panels would be set up has been discredited. Perhaps Marvin hasn't yet heard all the recent news about rationed care at the VA -- in effect, death panels -- deciding who gets treated and who doesn't. If the government is doing it there, what makes Marvin think they won't do it elsewhere?

Henry Kulik likes Obamacare, too. He says before the law, his family was paying $2,400 a month for insurance. Obamacare tax credits have knocked it down to a few hundred. Henry says there's a lot of misinformation out there.

What Marvin and Henry don't seem to understand is that somebody is paying for their insurance -- it may be you and it may be me. Marvin doesn't get free care through Medicaid -- the taxpayers foot his healthcare bills. And Henry didn't just magically get lower premiums -- someone is paying the difference in the $2,400 and the few hundred.

Maybe that will explain to Marvin why people have a low opinion of Obamacare and correct for Henry some of the misinformation he's received.

"Many remain opposed to health law." The Dallas Morning News; May 24, 2014; p. 9A.

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