Sunday, May 25, 2014

Not Guilty!

Markus Kaarma of Missoula, Montana, is in trouble. He shot a 17-year-old who was burglarizing his garage. Markus has been charged with deliberate homicide. The claim is that he set a trap for the burglar and his buddies.

Markus's home had been burglarized several times, so he put some alert sensors in his garage. When they went off, he checked the surveillance video, saw someone in there who had no right to be there, and went out shooting. How does that constitute a trap? The man didn't put a sign out in front of his house that said, "Free stuff in the garage." If he had done that, I'd be the first one voting GUILTY! But if I were on this jury, unless they have more than that he monitored what was going on on his own property, he'd be acquitted or the jury would be hung, because my vote would be an unequivocal NOT GUILTY.

"Prosecutors: Man's burglar trap was fatal." The Dallas Morning News; April 29 2014; p. 4A.

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