Sunday, August 24, 2014

Essie's Bucket List

I started this blog more than six years ago. Since that time, I have written approximately 2,170 posts. I've had a lot of fun and vented a lot of frustration while fulfilling my need to put my words down on paper (or computer screen).

I have many other things on my bucket list, and Essie's no spring chicken anymore! There's so much out there that I want to do and so I'm rearranging and reprioritizing my time. One of the items I've chosen to let go is "Have you seen the news today?"

I'll still have opinions, and I'll probably still verbalize them to anyone who will listen. But I won't be sharing them here anymore.

Even though this blog has actually been more for me than anyone else, I appreciate those of you who have been faithful followers. Who knows? One day I'll probably reprioritize again and I may reappear on Blogspot. Until then -- keep watching the news for the absurd, the zany, the unjust, the biased, and the unbelievably stupid!


Anonymous said...

No! Say it ain't so Essie!

Anonymous said...

I am going to miss being in touch with you every morning Essie!!