Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It depends on what the meaning of "is" is.

I was flipping through the TV channels the other night (Mr. Essie May's usual habit) when I came across a press conference on C-SPAN. It was Senator Roland Burris and his attorney. Senator Burris was recently appointed by now-ousted Illinois Governor Rod Blagojavich to fill Barack Obama's senate seat.

Mr. Burris now finds himself on the hotseat. The issue is did he perjure himself when he testified before Blago's impeachment committee. It seems there are some discrepancies between an affidavit he signed and what he told the committee. "Much ado about nothing," Mr. Burris says. You see, he explains, the affidavit was about "the appointment," and the committee testimony was about the "senate seat." Doesn't that bring back memories? It all depends on what the meaning of "is" is.

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