Saturday, February 21, 2009

That wasn't my idea!

Have you noticed how Barack Obama has one of his Cabinet or staff members float his ideas before he claims them? I've been kind of watching this, and yesterday there was another example.

Transportation Secretary Ray Lahood had said that taxing citizens on how much mileage they put on their vehicles was "something we should look at." But I guess the right people weren't very enthusiastic about the idea, because the Department then issued this statement Friday: "The policy of taxing motorists based on how many miles they have traveled is not and will not be Obama administration policy."

If the idea had been received well, I'm sure Obama would be out in the forefront with "his bold new initiative." But since it fell flat, he can just say, "Oh, I never even considered that." I can number the times I agree with Obama on one hand with at least two or three fingers left over, but I have to give him this -- he is the ultimate politician!

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