Thursday, November 5, 2009

Democrats -- the party of compassion

Democrats paint Republicans with the "unfeeling," "hard-hearted," "greedy," brush all the time just because Republicans believe in personal responsibility. They paint themselves as compassionate, caring, and generous. (I must admit they are generous -- with other people's money!).

John Edwards is a Democrat. He promised his mistress that as soon as his cancer-stricken wife died, they'd get married in a New York rooftop ceremony with the Dave Matthews Band. To protect his political aspirations, he tried to find a doctor who would falsify a DNA test to lend credence to his denials of paternity of his own daughter. Yes! He is the epitome of compassion!

"Edwards may soon declare paternity." The Dallas Morning News; September 20, 2009; p. 4A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

W O W !