Saturday, November 28, 2009

I guess I'm a racist.

I know the left will call me a racist, but California Congresswoman Maxine Waters is a hypocrite and possibly a big crook. After you read this, you may be a racist, too.

Last year, she set up a meeting in which OneUnited, one of the nation's largest black-owned banks, asked for $50 million in bailout funds. Waters' husband, Sidney Williams, is a former board memeber of the bank and has owned, and may still own, at least $250,000 of its stock. Waters says he paid for the stock himself, but she won't say how much he paid. She also won't say whether or not he still has it. She also neglected to tell the Treasury Department about her personal financial interest in the meeting she set up. She says, "I had no influence on what Bush administration officials in the Treasury Department or other departments did." Of course she did -- not revealing your ties in a situation like this is tantamount to lying.

The bank received $12 million out of your pocket. Why was it in trouble in the first place? Could be because Kevin Cohee, the chief executive, got a $6.4 million beachfront compound in Santa Monica, California, provided by the bank. He also is provided with a Porsche SUV. And that's just the perks we know about.

"Congresswoman's ties take regulators aback." The Dallas Morning News; March 13, 2009; p. 2A.

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