Monday, November 30, 2009

It still won't work!

I am amazed at how Obama thinks the way to get out of our financial difficulties is with the same things that got us there in the first place. It's kind of like if your kitchen sink is leaking, you say let's punch a hole in the bathroom sink, too! That only gets you in deeper water.

Obama said in October that the banks who got the bailout funds should start lending more money to small businesses that can't get credit. And why did the banks need bailout funds? Because they made too many bad loans! Obama says that these are the very taxpayers who stood by America's banks in a crisis. No, they're not! They're the very people who defaulted on loans and had a big hand in causing the crisis!

Obama said his administration will "take every appropriate step to encourage them to meet those responsibilities." That's code for "We're gonna make you do it." And when it all comes crashing down again, it will be George Bush's fault.

"Obama tells banks to help small businesses." The Dallas Morning News; October 29, 2009; p. 2D.

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