Friday, February 19, 2010

MLK's legacy could cost you!

Gerald Britt, Jr. says we need to continue MLK's legacy. He says the way to do this is to:

1) triple the earned income tax credit -- in case you don't know, this is the device people use to get back a whole lot more in taxes than they paid in.

2) create funding for short-term "stepping stone jobs" for people involved in living-wage job training or adult education programs designed to retrain and prepare participants for long-term employment -- I think that means a bunch of make-work jobs. "Create funding" means tax those of us who actually work.

3) increase the number of housing vouchers to deal with homelessness -- putting more drug addicts and mental cases in your neighborhood

4) continue to increase the minimum wage to at least $9 an hour -- forcing the small business owner to cut his workforce and throw more people into joblessness

5) improve accessibility to food stamps, extending the amount of time people can receive them and increasing the food stamp limit -- make more generations dependent on the dole

I don't know about you, but I don't like MLK's "legacy."

"Unrealized dream." The Dallas Morning News; January 18, 2010; p. 15A.

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