Thursday, February 4, 2010

What does it take to be a real threat?

Jack Brumbelow of Plano is upset with the FBI and their investigation of Hosam Smadi, the terrorist who thought he was detonating a car bomb in downtown Dallas last fall. He says that "The feds spent probably incalculable resources on their investigation instead of applying those resources to real threats." Hmmmm -- a radical islamist dials a cellphone to set off a bomb in a crowded metropolitan area, and Jack doesn't think he's a real threat? Wonder what he does consider a real threat. He says he wonders when common sense will raise its head. We could say the same about you, Jack!

"Smadi probe a waste." The Dallas Morning News; November 28, 2009; p. 22A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

His cheese has slid off his cracker!