Sunday, February 7, 2010

PETA wants to downsize Phil!

Remember PETA's campaign to rename fish "sea kittens"? Did you hear what they're up to now? They want to downsize Punxutawney Phil. They want to replace him with a robot. They say Phil's working conditions aren't fair. My guess is he's probably one pampered groundhog! After all, the little town of Punxutawney makes a lot of money off Phil. It's to their advantage to make sure he's a healthy happy critter.

And let's face it, a robot has no emotions. It wouldn't be afraid whether it saw a shadow or not. And there goes another tradition down the drain! Let's just send PETA down the drain instead. They can hang out with the sea kittens.

"PETA proposes robotic groundhog for Pa. festival." The Paris News; January 27, 2010; p. 5.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's the craziest thing I've ever heard! They're just nuts!