Tuesday, May 11, 2010

And we've given them control of health care.

I suppose everyone remembers the fiasco of the Texas rebates for appliances that occurred last month. After dangling a rebate offer in front of people, phone lines and internet sites were swamped. Some people stayed online for hours trying to get their rebate vouchers. Those people are now quite irate.

What did they expect? It was a government run program. Did they not know that on the cash for clunkers program, dealers waited for weeks for their rebates? Do they not know that Social Security and Medicare are broke? Do they not know that the food stamp program is rife with fraud?

What really gets me is how wrapped up some people are in getting in on "free" money. Phil Brown of Grand Prairie said he got on the system at 7 a.m. when it opened up. He said he got cut off again and again. He said he's now calmed down some from it -- "I'm moving on with my life." What a hoot! Moving on with your life is something you do after a dramatic life-changing event like divorce or the death of a loved one or a serious illness or accident. It's not something I'd think of just because I wasn't able to get a rebate voucher worth a couple of hundred dollars. I suspect Phil doesn't have much of a life to move on with.

"State seeks answers on rebate fiasco." The Dallas Morning News; April 9, 2010; p. 2A.

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