Monday, May 10, 2010

POW'S got rights!

U. S. District Court Judge James Robertson has ruled that Mohamedou Ould Slahi, an inmate at Guantanamo, must be released. He says that we can't hold him "simply" because we fear he will renew his ties with al-Qaeda and commit unlawful acts.

Well, Gee, I understand that. "Simply" because he might hijack a plane and fly it into a high rise is certainly no reason to lock the man up. Gosh, what in the world have we been thinking? POW's have rights, too, you know!

Obviously, Judge Robertson had no relatives or friends in New York or at the Pentagon or in that Pennsylvania field on September 11, 2001.

"Ruling favors release of al-Qaeda prisoner." The Dallas Morning News; April 10, 2010; p. 6A.

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