Sunday, May 2, 2010

I hope I don't need any transfusions.

Remember how the gays used to ask just for tolerance? Then they asked for spousal benefits in the workplace? Then they asked for marriage and divorce? And they always looked down on those of us who condemned their unholy practices as unlearned and ignorant? Well, now they want to remove the ban on blood donations by gay men.

Did you know that between 10,000 and 15,000 of the 25,000 Americans with severe hemophilia were infected with HIV from transfusions before the ban went into effect 25 years ago? I doubt you did, because it wouldn't be PC to report that statistic. If it were tainted peanut butter or sticking gas pedals or childhood obesity or swine flu, we'd be inundated with "crisis" reporting.

Why do gays even want to donate blood? Well, not from any altruistic motives, it seems. Gay rights activists say the ban "unfairly stigmatizes gay men." Eighteen of our U.S. Senators have asked the FDA to revoke the ban. I want to know who those 18 are, because they surely are not concerned about the health and safety of the citizens they are sworn to represent -- citizens like Kathy Gerus-Darbison who contracted AIDS from her hemophiliac husband who got it from a transfusion. And that's something we shouldn't "tolerate!"

"Blood donation changes weighed." The Dallas Morning News; April 4, 2010; p. 9A.

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