Friday, July 16, 2010

Hey, Michelle, put your cabbage where your mouth is!

Michelle Obama's big campaign is to prevent childhood obesity. "Plant a garden and eat your broccoli and carrots," seems to be her mantra. Well, Michelle, let's see you put your cabbage where your mouth is.

I challenge Michelle to ask Congress to pass legislation that mandates any federal dollars going to fund food stamp type programs be spent only on low calorie, heart-healthy foods. That cuts out Little Debbie's snack cakes, sodas, chips, candy, cake and brownie mixes, cookies, most red meat, and a whole host of other foods that contribute little to a nutritious diet. If Michelle is truly serious, she'll do it.

Of course, I have my doubts that she's familiar with my blog. That means we all need to write her a letter and encourage her to take on this project. If she doesn't, she proves my contention that she's a great big ol' hypocrite.

Paris News' flimsy grasp of English: Krista Goerte reports on the recent City Council meeting and Councilwoman Rogers' opposition to raising sanitation fees. "She mentioned looking into trash pickup once a week, instead of two." Krista, when you're not consistent, your sentences don't make sense. "Instead of two" what? What you've said is that Ms. Rogers wants to look into picking up trash once a week instead of once every two weeks. That would increase the cost, dear. However, the city already picks up trash twice a week, so I'm sure what you meant was "once a week instead of twice." I know you go to college, because I've seen your photo in the newspaper with awards you've won. If you have the best English skills in your class, I'm concerned!

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