Saturday, July 31, 2010

The NAACP needs a dictionary.

The NAACP has accused the Tea Parties of being racist, yet they can't seem to come up with any concrete examples. They say that tea party supporters have "used signs to degrade President Barack Obama and other racial minorities." Well, duh! That has nothing to do with the color of their skin -- that has to do with their socialistic politics! If the signs were truly racist, the NAACP would have specified what they said, but you notice that that little detail is missing.

And I notice they're not too upset about the Black Panther idiot who's been spouting off about "killing cracker babies." Now THAT'S racist. Let's all chip in and buy the NAACP a dictionary.

"NAACP sees racism in tea parties; movement denies characterization." The Dallas Morning News; July 13, 2010; p. 5A.

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