Saturday, July 17, 2010

Did you know . . .

Did you know that as a Texan, you are paying almost $100 million a year for drugs for more than 14,000 uninsured people who have AIDS? For those who contracted this blight through no fault of their own -- blood tranfusions or medical accidents or unfaithful spouses -- I'm all for helping them out. For the rest of them (and I feel sure that's the vast majority), if they'd been behaving themselves, they wouldn't be sick. I'd rather spend that money on patients who aren't suffering the consequences of illicit behavior.

As reported by The Paris News: High School Principal Gary Preston says, "We have had less discipline problems . . ." With role models like Preston, no wonder our kids can't speak or write proper English.

"Cuts may be ahead for AIDS program." The Dallas Morning News; July 2, 2010; p. 5A.

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