Thursday, January 10, 2013

Are you sure about that, Cecil?
I'm not sure who he's talking about, but Cecil Rhodes of North Dallas says that, "Had we still had the high-capacity ammo-clip ban that was part of the assault weapons ban that Bush allowed to expire, nine people would still be alive to celebrate Christmas in 2012."
Are you sure about that, Cecil? Do you really think that someone bent on killing people will be deterred because the weapon he wants to use is "banned"? I can just imagine the thought processes of Jared Loughner, James Holmes, William Spengler and Adam Lanza. "I am so full of hate I must kill people. But wait, I can't do that -- it's against the law for me to have a gun or a high capacity ammo clip. Oh, well, guess those gun control laws really do work."
"Good guys don't need guns." The Dallas Morning News; January 1, 2013; p. 14A.

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